Tuesday, April 12, 2005



WoW is really depressing me these days omg =/.. On Friday we killed Onyxia and my Might legs dropped and then my guild starts getting all omfg about me getting the loot.. some people started saying I cyber'd 4 it and really mean stuff and it got really bad.. a couple people left the guild and it's a real mess omg..

To make it all worse, I haven't talked to Jeremy (that boy from the show I talked about) in a few weeks now =/.. I haven't seen him log on in forever.. I don't think he likes me nemore =/.. I'm so upset I'm barely playing even 8 hours a day nemore.. I'm trying not to think about him, and just focus on having 3 pieces of Might already.. but it's hard.. I really though he might <3 me.. but I guess not..

Neways, I hope everyone else is doing better!! lol ^_^ I better get back to the guild now.. Those n00bs are having trouble with Magmadar right now and need me to tank it for them lol.. I just hope someone can heal me as well as Jeremy =/.. God!! There I go again..

Ok Bai!!

Oh, here's a new pic of me hehe ^_^.. I took it for Jeremy but.. omfg.. STOP!!