Kyle (Jeremy's brother) /tell'd me that Jeremy is in the hospital =/.. I've gone 2 see him but he doesnt talk much.. Kyle said it has something 2 do with WoW. I'm not sure what WoW could have done 2 him, but considering he deleted his 1st 60 and rerolled alliance just 2 play w/ me, it might have been that he forgot to eat or drink or something.. the doctors aren't sure though =/.. they keep using words liek "skitzofrenic" and "disconnected" and I don't know what that means, or how ne1 could go LD in RL. I go 2 see him almost every day, but he's not getting ne better =/.. I just sit and read 2 him 4 a few hours and then go back 2 WoW. Sometimes I pretend that he can hear me and he's talking 2 me, but I know I'm just being wishful =/.. I hope he gets better 4 the Battlegrounds cuz he was really happy when he used 2 talk about how many n00bs he was gonna pwn when they patched it in. I miss him a lot =/.. there's something very special about him..
So RL is kinda suck atm, and WoW is a little slow cuz peeps are tired of raiding MC and are getting anxious 4 the battlegrounds.. I get ganked a lot now (thx blizz 4 warrior pvp lol) and it just reminds me that if Jeremy wuz there they'd all be dead, and then I get sad again and usually log..
Here's a pic of me when I was happy a couple months ago.. Hopefully I will remember what that feels like soon =/