So as embarassed as I am to admit my complete noobishness, I have a confession to make. I used to be the unproud owner of a sotec laptop of the jurassic era. I got it 4 years ago and just kinda used it for school and stuff cuz it was easy to take to class and whatever. NEways.. it is so old and clunky that I should have just thrown it out, but instead I asked if Jeremy would come over and help me fix it because I didn't know what was wrong with it.
He came over, took one look at it and just about walked out the door, but I stopped him and pleaded him to help me. So after a lot of convincing he agreed to help, but we still couldn't get the thing to connect to internet, or even stay on for more than 35 minutes at a time. At first Jer laughed at it, then he just started to get mad, and just before he got so frustrated with it that he kicked his foot through it I promised him that I would go and get a new one.
So I went out to a Best Buy and was looking at all the new models because there are some incredible deals and I found this l33t hp that is pretty, and shiny and beautiful!! So I asked to buy it and the guy was like, "You look really familiar... are you Anastasia from Pure Pwnage?" and I got all embarassed because I was just out with my mom and stuff... and sometimes I get embarassed when I don't expect people to know who I am. And then I met a couple of other guys who worked there who were also fans of the show and they said that we were doing great work and stuff on the show.
NEways, I guess I just wanted Jeremy to know that I FINALLY got a new laptop, and now we can get all "Office Space" on my old one with a baseball bat and some rap music in the middle of a field... but I also wanted to thank the very helpful and wonderful team of sales reps at Best Buy for helping me get a new computer! It was the best help a girl could ask for :) A special thank you to Mike who was our sales rep. :D
k! Love you all.
kthnx bye!