Hi!! ^_^
Sorry it's been so long!! lol.. My guild has been raiding MC like non-stop omg lol.. I barely get time to eat!! ^_^
That boy I met last month!!!! He's kinda in this show thing called Pure Pwnage and I'm in the new episode!! I hafta hide it from my guild cause I'm a little embarassed and I don't think my guild would be very impressed with how I'm spending my time!! lol ^_^
We went on this date where we made 2 nightelf toons and just hung out for a few hours "n00bin' out" as he called it (he's so sweet omg ^_^) it was very romantic!! hehe I've never met ne1 like him!! He can just kill things so fast!! It's like he's a robot heheh.. I just feel so safe when he's around..
Neways I should get back to my guild now.. the leader has already noticed I've been distracted and he says my tanking is suffering for it =/ He even blamed me for a wipe last night when it was clearly some noob dps omg lol..
baibai!!! ^_^
well,i watched u at pure pwnage,and damn ur the most beautifull girl iv ever seened!.Jeremy must be a verry lucky guy.Well i live in holland,and just watch u from a distance:(..my e-mail is olkan_scarface@hotmail.com hope u will say something.:)
Well its me again heh:P..so do u really play wow? man i dont know but gamergirls are soo cool:D..anas.please i wanna contact u:( olkan_scarface@hotmail.com ..i live in holland w8ing for u:D:D
thats some freaky shit. the dude askin you to email him i mean. anyway, acting isnt too bad, but meh. good show. tell FPS doug to look out for PowerGamer on Source. kthxbye
well i got a girlfriend now no need olkan_scarface bla bla well got to go i have a date later
Time to hit the bars of Holland then olkan "scarface". Let's hope that nickname is just a reference to the popular movie by the same name and not to your actual face and you should be just fine.
anyway some tips if its not working:
Google: Seduction
Internet is lovely, unless you use it for hitting on and stalking people that is.
*FAKE* its all fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well,PowerGamer,based on FPS_Doug's level of gameplay,i too think i can beat him.Anyways,if you want my email,diogocampos_190@hotmail.com
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