Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I got a new hp


So as embarassed as I am to admit my complete noobishness, I have a confession to make. I used to be the unproud owner of a sotec laptop of the jurassic era. I got it 4 years ago and just kinda used it for school and stuff cuz it was easy to take to class and whatever. NEways.. it is so old and clunky that I should have just thrown it out, but instead I asked if Jeremy would come over and help me fix it because I didn't know what was wrong with it.
He came over, took one look at it and just about walked out the door, but I stopped him and pleaded him to help me. So after a lot of convincing he agreed to help, but we still couldn't get the thing to connect to internet, or even stay on for more than 35 minutes at a time. At first Jer laughed at it, then he just started to get mad, and just before he got so frustrated with it that he kicked his foot through it I promised him that I would go and get a new one.

So I went out to a Best Buy and was looking at all the new models because there are some incredible deals and I found this l33t hp that is pretty, and shiny and beautiful!! So I asked to buy it and the guy was like, "You look really familiar... are you Anastasia from Pure Pwnage?" and I got all embarassed because I was just out with my mom and stuff... and sometimes I get embarassed when I don't expect people to know who I am. And then I met a couple of other guys who worked there who were also fans of the show and they said that we were doing great work and stuff on the show.
NEways, I guess I just wanted Jeremy to know that I FINALLY got a new laptop, and now we can get all "Office Space" on my old one with a baseball bat and some rap music in the middle of a field... but I also wanted to thank the very helpful and wonderful team of sales reps at Best Buy for helping me get a new computer! It was the best help a girl could ask for :) A special thank you to Mike who was our sales rep. :D

k! Love you all.
kthnx bye!



Anonymous said...

<3! Awesome Laptop! :D!

Always feels good getting updated with new hardware! Epically a Laptop :D

What does ur mum think about ur e-fame :D Is that the first time with her that that has happened? :)

haha mark = win! :D

Anonymous said...

oh neat, you must be really excited to get a new laptop. I hope it suites you well :) Enjoy! take care.

Anonymous said...

║ » Radical Dreamer « ║

Anonymous said...

hi, im a fan of pure pwnage, the show is very cool and you are gorgeous, apart from PP you are awesome, bye
Sniper 7

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrr, a little bit TOO MUCH advertising for best buy or something. Make it a bit less obvious next time that you could get a discount when you would post here about them... at least that's how I think it is...

Anonymous said...

omg you are cute :*:X

Anonymous said...

u toly pwn I <3 u !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi T4g1!
Gz ur hp (laptop:P), that looks rly nice. Im fps newbie from Poland, and im ur big fan, also PP fan 2. Greetings from polish n00bs ;*

Anonymous said...

<3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

u should have bought a macbook pro

plus the wow performance on the mac is gonna double by the end of the year with leopard and multithreaded open gl

Anonymous said...

so im guessing you bought burnin crusade...

lol at the ep 13 premiere at toronto lol porno lol... tyler and matt

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 4:19 PM

Yeah, she should seriously purchase a MacBook for the performace their line will gain later in the year... Makes a lot of sense.


Thomas Iodine said...


Anonymous said...

Thought ur headline was ''I got a new HIP'' pmsl

luck hun x.x

Anonymous said...

awesome laptop, i just hope it can handle all the new games that are expected to be released this year.

P.S. youre hot!!!

FateIT said...

How are you playing WoW with
Little Richard??? You can't quest
with an imp, can you?

Anonymous said...

How did you come up with the name tagi?

themrchook said...

Tagi's blog found 3/11/07! I was hoping you'd come to Melbourne, but I guess shaking hands with teh_pwnerer will have to do!

7101851109 said...

leik tat is a gud laptop iv'e only got a dell inspiron 1501
and liek Jeremy i put put fist thorugh my bros laptop
i hope it dosent acutally have vista on thoguh
lata Zathereus

Anonymous said...

Please update your blog :'(

..::dartigen::.. said...

I know the feeling, only in my case we're talking about the biggest lemon ever bought. An Acer Aspire.
That damn thing finally died a week ago. Good riddance.

Now, I look forward to my shiny new Alienware, if/when I find where I put my Laptop Fund.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

Anonymous said...

hp is absolute fucking garbage, glad to know you're a n00b who thinks sh33t is 1337

Unknown said...

1 h0p3 u l1k3 ur n3w l4p70p.