Monday, October 03, 2005

/blog ^_^

Hi all!! *hugz*

Last week wuz my cousins wedding and it wuz awesome omg <3!!.. She wuz so beautiful in her dress!!.. I kept thinking 'Wow I wish 300 tailors could make that omg!!' lol.. it wuz a really fun day.. makes me wish it wuz me up there tho!! hehe ^_^.. I get wedding invites all the time in WoW but something is just more special about RL weddings I guess lol.. They mean more..

I got 2 see lots of old friends!! I forgot what it wuz like 2 be out with lots of friends having fun omg <3!! I guess cause of EQ and WoW and stuff I havent seen them in a really long time hehe.. one of them even thought I died omg lol!! ^_^.. she wuz really scared when she 1st saw me rofl!!.. Im gonna go out with them next week again and its gonna be a blast!!.. its nice to play in RL again hehe.. reminds me of life before I dropped into Toxxulia forrest for the 1st time lolol ^_^..

I havent seen Jeremy in a long time =/.. doug and him went 2 this lan party thing and I guess some weird stuff happened.. they told me b4 that they were gonna pwn the CS tourney there and for the finals borrow some n00bs comps and play each other with parts of their body I won't mention rofl.. but i guess some pro showed up and doug got sick or something while playing and they didnt get 2.. Doug and Jeremy are both kinda wierd since then.. id know more if Jeremy would actually CALL ME omg!!.. u would swear he doesnt know how 2 use a phone!!.. omg its annoying.. he always like 'im busy' but im starting 2 think he just really doesnt care about me =/.. every now and then he'll show up in GW really late @ night when every1 else is sleeping but even then he doesnt say much.. he just wants to pvp and not chat i guess =/.. oh well with 1.8 coming soon I have enough happy stuff to keep my mind on!!

Newayz I should get back 2 WoW now.. my guild is fighting Ragnaros as I type this and I'm MT.. this stuff is so easy now lol..

baibai!! heheh ^_^

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I h8 titles lol!!

Hi! ^_^

Sorry its been so long since my last post omg!! Life has been pretty busy with Jeremy being sick and patch 1.6 and all. I'm so happy he's healthy again!! I even stopped playing WoW for a while and played some GW cause Jeremy (omg <3!!) tells me I should play lots of games to learn as much as possible for some big thing coming up that he doesn't really ever want to talk about lol.. but that's ok cause he's so cute rofl!! ^_^ But my guild is just too n00b without my help in Blackwing Lair so I had to go back to WoW lol!!

But I don't get to see Jeremy too much nemore tbh =/.. he's always busy 'training' or something that doesn't sound like very much fun lol so I just kinda do my own thing!! My cousin's wedding is coming up too yay!! I get to be a bridesmaid and that should be really fun to roleplay irl!! (I can pretend it's me and Jeremy hehehe ^_^) I want to spend more time with him but he's always telling me 'some things are really important right now' and I like to think that 'Hey I'm pretty important too!!' but I guess I just need to make him feel that way too!! lol ^_^

Neways I need to get back to WoW!!

Lotsa Luv!! <3<3<3<3<3!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Wishing I wuz a Priest in RL omg

Kyle (Jeremy's brother) /tell'd me that Jeremy is in the hospital =/.. I've gone 2 see him but he doesnt talk much.. Kyle said it has something 2 do with WoW. I'm not sure what WoW could have done 2 him, but considering he deleted his 1st 60 and rerolled alliance just 2 play w/ me, it might have been that he forgot to eat or drink or something.. the doctors aren't sure though =/.. they keep using words liek "skitzofrenic" and "disconnected" and I don't know what that means, or how ne1 could go LD in RL. I go 2 see him almost every day, but he's not getting ne better =/.. I just sit and read 2 him 4 a few hours and then go back 2 WoW. Sometimes I pretend that he can hear me and he's talking 2 me, but I know I'm just being wishful =/.. I hope he gets better 4 the Battlegrounds cuz he was really happy when he used 2 talk about how many n00bs he was gonna pwn when they patched it in. I miss him a lot =/.. there's something very special about him..

So RL is kinda suck atm, and WoW is a little slow cuz peeps are tired of raiding MC and are getting anxious 4 the battlegrounds.. I get ganked a lot now (thx blizz 4 warrior pvp lol) and it just reminds me that if Jeremy wuz there they'd all be dead, and then I get sad again and usually log..

Here's a pic of me when I was happy a couple months ago.. Hopefully I will remember what that feels like soon =/

Tuesday, April 12, 2005



WoW is really depressing me these days omg =/.. On Friday we killed Onyxia and my Might legs dropped and then my guild starts getting all omfg about me getting the loot.. some people started saying I cyber'd 4 it and really mean stuff and it got really bad.. a couple people left the guild and it's a real mess omg..

To make it all worse, I haven't talked to Jeremy (that boy from the show I talked about) in a few weeks now =/.. I haven't seen him log on in forever.. I don't think he likes me nemore =/.. I'm so upset I'm barely playing even 8 hours a day nemore.. I'm trying not to think about him, and just focus on having 3 pieces of Might already.. but it's hard.. I really though he might <3 me.. but I guess not..

Neways, I hope everyone else is doing better!! lol ^_^ I better get back to the guild now.. Those n00bs are having trouble with Magmadar right now and need me to tank it for them lol.. I just hope someone can heal me as well as Jeremy =/.. God!! There I go again..

Ok Bai!!

Oh, here's a new pic of me hehe ^_^.. I took it for Jeremy but.. omfg.. STOP!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

OMG I'm a Star!! heheh ^_^

Hi!! ^_^

Sorry it's been so long!! lol.. My guild has been raiding MC like non-stop omg lol.. I barely get time to eat!! ^_^

That boy I met last month!!!! He's kinda in this show thing called Pure Pwnage and I'm in the new episode!! I hafta hide it from my guild cause I'm a little embarassed and I don't think my guild would be very impressed with how I'm spending my time!! lol ^_^

We went on this date where we made 2 nightelf toons and just hung out for a few hours "n00bin' out" as he called it (he's so sweet omg ^_^) it was very romantic!! hehe I've never met ne1 like him!! He can just kill things so fast!! It's like he's a robot heheh.. I just feel so safe when he's around..

Neways I should get back to my guild now.. the leader has already noticed I've been distracted and he says my tanking is suffering for it =/ He even blamed me for a wipe last night when it was clearly some noob dps omg lol..

baibai!!! ^_^

Friday, March 04, 2005

My pic!! hehe

Ok I figured this stuff out!! ^_^ This is a pic my friend took yesterday of me modelling my Pink Silk Shirt!! lol j/k! hehehe

Hi!! ^_^

*hugz* Hi!! Life is going great!! My guild did Lucifron with only 23 people this morning and I met a boy tonight!! hehehe.. not in the game but in rl!! A friend of a friend's bf sorta hehe.. and he's cute!! ^_^ I'll write more about him later cause my head is still spinning from it all hehe..

I got my friend to take a picture today too!! So I'll post it as soon as figure out how hehehehe!!

Baibai!! ^_^ *hugz*

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

First!! hehehe ^_^

Hi! *hugz*

Ok well first off my name is Anastasia! hehehe and I <3 WoW omg!! I play a 60 Warrior on the Frostwolf server (best server!! lol ^_^) and my guild pwns!! hehehehe

I just wanted to say Hi! and give *hugz* to everyone before our MC raid in a few minutes!!

Lotsa Luv!! <3 <3 <3
